Want to get EDUCATED? Want to get INVOLVED? The IPPOSI Patient Education Programme is now open for applications. This is a 6-month blended-learning education programme, the first of its kind in Ireland, and is being
Want to get EDUCATED? Want to get INVOLVED? The IPPOSI Patient Education Programme is now open for applications. This is a 6-month blended-learning education programme, the first of its kind in Ireland, and is being
The Alpha-1 Action Group are holding a protest at the gates of Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 tomorrow Wednesday, May 31st at 12.30pm. The protest is to urge the Government to fund
The Alpha-1 Action Group are holding a protest at the gates of Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 on Wednesday May 31st at 12.30pm. The protest is to urge the Government to fund the
A baby with Alpha-1 who desperately needed a liver transplant found the perfect match when his godmother came through with the lifesaving gift. Eight-month-old Finn O’Sullivan has both Alpha-1 and biliary atresia, a rare
On Tuesday last, May 9th the Alpha-1 Action Group called to the Department of Health to present a letter to the Minister for Health Simon Harris TD. The Alpha One Foundation were asked
Pharmaceutical Company Deadline Looms for 21 Alpha-1 Patients On Life-Changing Respreeza Therapy. With just 30 days to go, the clock is ticking towards a May 31 deadline when pharmaceutical company, CSL Behring, has
Alpha-1 patients receiving the life-changing therapy Respreeza protested outside the offices of the Health Service Executive (HSE) at the end of February to demand that the HSE and Minister commit to long-term funding
We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of John Walsh, co-founder and CEO of the US Alpha-1 Foundation on Tuesday, March 7th. John was an inspirational leader for the Alpha-1 community
The 6th Alpha-1 Global Patient Congress is taking place from April 6th to 8th in Lisbon, Portugal. This biennial conference is an opportunity for the Alpha-1 community around the world to meet, learn,
As a six month old infant, Catriona Garry developed full-blown liver cirrhosis caused by Alpha-1. Three years later, in 1999, she received a life-saving liver transplant. In 2008, she also received a kidney