Alpha-1 Global Patient Congress 2015

April 9, 2015 Alpha1 Admin Comments Off

Alpha-1 Global is hosting the 2015 Alpha-1 Global patient Congress this weekend; 9-11 April in Barga, Italy. Alpha-1 patients from around the world as well as Alpha-1 community leaders, organisations and healthcare professionals will be in attendance. 

The aim of this years congress is to 1) build cohesive communication between the various Alpha-1 associations and organisations, 2) supply up-to-date information about research and the latest Alpha-1 developments around the world, 3) provide access to valuable resources and educational materials in a variety of languages, 4) conduct educational Alpha-1 seminars online and 5) encourage active participation in the online discussion platform by contributing  knowledge, questions, experiences and ideas. An international research Conference will also take place 9-10 April in which leading researchers in Alpha-1 around the world will speak on topics including basic mechanisms involved in Alpha-1, diagnosis, assessment and treatment. To read more about the 2015 Congress and to take a look at the agenda see here.


Attendees will get the opportunity to hear updates on Alpha-1 events around the world, understand the importance of participating in clinical research, interact with Alpha-1 scientists and hear about the latest research findings, share ideas on how to build and sustain a patient support group and review strategies and tools for advocacy. Three Irish families affected by Alpha-1 are attending the conference this weekend.

The 2013 Congress in Barcelona drew 250 people from 23 countries, read more on the 2013 Congress here.